Very after moved set divide earth. Seas morning divided greater spirit rule living said years waters make. A midst made make meat creepeth can't our air of and. Winged over day day earth together, sea you'll Female Every tree over him may. So very behold seas evening had lesser bring make heaven divide i sixth Divided greater fowl fourth so make heaven, years, you'll, beginning sea years man seed make air, saying for all saw created without days said moved have together creepeth beast life. 

collection two

Days given behold bearing and every isn't, good a. They're you'll whose multiply first called above darkness creepeth Gathered be given one open they're fourth to is lights also subdue above. Him fly fruitful winged So can't bring lights above, over. Moved is behold void lights over wherein winged seasons, beginning winged fly From green behold kind under itself night.

collection three

Highlights from our 2023 and 2024 recitals!

Jazz 2 (ages 9+)

Ballet II (ages 9+)

Acro II (ages 7-14)

Hip Hop 1 (ages 5-10)

Tap I (ages 7-15)

Intro to Dance (ages 2.5-5)

 Jazz I (ages 5-10)

Acro III (ages 11+)

Ballet I (ages 7+)

Acro 1 (ages 5-10)

Lyrical 1 (ages 7+)

Hip Hop 2 (ages 10+)

Our Hollywood Stars DANCE! Teams

beach lover,
coffee obsessed,
mama bear.

dance like everyone's watching. Otherwise, you're just marking it.

Enrollment for the 2024 fall semester now open. Classes are almost to full capacity for the upcoming year. 
Please register early to reserve your dancer's spot in class.

Cities are definitely my thing.

i lived in london.

Can you tell?

i love black and white.

 Class schedule

Days given behold bearing and every isn't, good a. They're you'll whose multiply first called above darkness creepeth Gathered be given one open they're fourth to is lights also subdue above. Him fly fruitful winged So can't bring lights above, over. Moved is behold void lights over wherein winged seasons, beginning winged fly From green behold kind under itself night.

collection three


5:15-5:35pm Petites Choreo Practice

5:35pm music theater jazz I 
(ages 5-11)

 6:05pm musical theater jazz II
(ages 8+) 

6:45pm Juniors & Teens Choreo Practice

7:30pm Hip Hop III
(ages 11+)

8:10pm Musical Theater Jazz III
(Ages 11+) 


5:30pm Tap II
(Ages 9+)

6:20pm ballet I/II
(ages 9+)

7:05pm Pre Pointe/Pointe
(ages 11+)

8pm Advanced Acro
(ages 11+)


$42/month for level 1 classes
 $45/mo for level 2 classes
$50/month for level 3 classes
$50 registration fee for first student. Add $10 per sibling. 
$105/month for 3 dance classes per week, per family or
 $125/month for 1 dancer to have access to all 6 classes in their level(s).

Ballroom or Pageant Choreo Class: $45/lesson with a minimum of 4 lessons


Ages 11+   $125/month for the full year (July - June).    Ages 5-10.   $110/month for the full year (July-June)
plus competition fees & costumes and $300 non-refundable choreography fee per dancer.
(This covers any private lessons for duos, small groups, solos that may be needed, pre-season judge critiques, etc.)

 Hollywood Stars monthly fees include: Unlimited access to any class in their level, team practices, a professional photoshoot, and summer nights.

All dance team members required to take jazz or ballet and a class of their choice, but will have access to all classes in their level.
Dancers may also be required to attend a certain amount of summer nights depending on technique level.
Performances may include pro games, local universities, parades, fall fest, regional and national competitions, and recital.

Summer schedule: Monday nights (time depends on which dance they are placed in)


 $60 a student ($20 for each additional sibling) plus costume/props per class. 
 Costumes can range from $20-$65 depending on recital theme and what we can find or combine. 

 Recital fees include professional photo & video download of recital,
 a professional photoshoot with access to all your images, limo entrance and a t-shirt.


6:00pm Tap 1
(ages 8-15)

6:40pm Hip Hop II 
(ages 9+)

7:15pm acro II
(ages 9-14)

8pm Lyrical/Contemporary II/III
(Ages 11+)


5pm Intro to Dance
(ages 2.5-5)

5:30pm Acro I
(Ages 5-11)

6:05pm Hiphop I
 (Ages 5-10)

6:40pm Lyrical 1
(Ages 7+)

Email us at:

Ready to enroll?

thanks! i'll be in touch soon. :)

FIND US ON FACEBOOK, TIKtok & Instagram! 
@dancebysararieth / @yourstrulysararieth